Manoogian Manor Assisted Living in Livonia, MI

How to stay active and engaged in assisted living

Fountain visit in front of Manoogian Manor

Staying active and engaged in assisted living is important for your physical and mental health, as well as your social and emotional well-being. There are many ways to stay active and engaged in assisted living, depending on your abilities, needs, and preferences. Here are some ideas that you can try:

  • Participate in the activities and events that are offered by the community. Most assisted living facilities offer a variety of social, recreational, educational, and cultural programs that cater to the diverse interests and preferences of their residents. You can enjoy group outings, movie nights, discussion groups, holiday parties, and more. You can also suggest new activities or events that you would like to see or join .
  • Pursue your hobbies and interests. You can continue to do the things that you love or learn new skills in assisted living. You can read, write, paint, knit, play games, do puzzles, listen to music, watch TV, or use the internet. You can also join clubs or groups that share your hobbies and interests, such as book clubs, gardening clubs, or chess clubs .
  • Make new friends and stay connected with your old ones. You can socialize with other residents who have similar backgrounds, experiences, or personalities as you. You can also invite your family and friends to visit you or join you for meals or activities. You can also keep in touch with them through phone calls, video chats, emails, or letters .
  • Volunteer or give back to the community. You can use your time and talents to help others or support a cause that you care about. You can volunteer at a local school, library, hospital, animal shelter, or charity. You can also donate your items or money to a nonprofit organization or a fundraiser .
  • Exercise and eat well. You can improve your physical health and fitness by doing some exercises that are suitable for your age and condition. You can do tai chi, yoga, walking, swimming, or dancing. You can also join fitness classes or programs that are offered by the community or outside providers. You can also eat a balanced and nutritious diet that meets your dietary needs and preferences .

These are some ways to stay active and engaged in assisted living. By staying active and engaged, you can enhance your quality of life and happiness in assisted living.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information and should not replace professional medical advice.