Manoogian Manor Assisted Living in Livonia, MI

How can I help my loved one with dementia enjoy autumn?

Elderly woman with rollator walker enjoying the fall

You can help your loved one with dementia enjoy autumn by engaging them in activities that are suitable for their abilities and preferences. Activities can help stimulate their senses, memory, and emotions, as well as provide fun, relaxation, and satisfaction. Here are some examples of activities that you can do with your loved one with dementia in autumn:

  • Leaf collecting: You can collect different types of leaves that have fallen from the trees and admire their colors, shapes, and textures. You can also use the leaves to make crafts, such as wreaths, garlands, or collages. You can also press the leaves in a book or laminate them to preserve them. Leaf collecting can help your loved one with dementia appreciate nature and exercise their creativity.
  • Pumpkin carving: You can buy or pick a pumpkin and carve it into a jack-o-lantern with your loved one with dementia. You can also use the pumpkin seeds and pulp to make snacks, such as roasted seeds or pumpkin bread. You can also decorate the pumpkin with paint, stickers, or other materials. Pumpkin carving can help your loved one with dementia celebrate Halloween and express their personality.
  • Apple picking: You can visit an orchard and pick apples with your loved one with dementia. You can also taste different varieties of apples and buy some to take home or share with others. You can also use the apples to make dishes, such as apple pie, apple sauce, or apple cider. Apple picking can help your loved one with dementia enjoy the harvest season and improve their nutrition.
  • Memory book: You can create a memory book with your loved one with dementia that contains photos, stories, and mementos of their life and experiences. You can also include items that are related to autumn, such as leaves, flowers, or cards. You can also read the memory book together and reminisce about the past. Memory books can help your loved one with dementia preserve their identity and enhance their cognition.
  • Music and dance: You can listen to music and dance with your loved one with dementia that are related to autumn or their favorite genres. You can also sing along or play instruments if you have them. You can also watch musicals or concerts on TV or online that feature autumn themes or songs. Music and dance can help your loved one with dementia improve their mood, memory, and coordination.

These are some of the activities that you can do with your loved one with dementia in autumn, but there are many others that you can discover and enjoy. You should choose activities that are appropriate for your loved one’s level of cognitive and physical functioning and that match their interests and hobbies. You should also monitor their condition and response during the activities and stop or modify them if they show any signs of discomfort, agitation, or fatigue. You should also consult their doctor or caregiver for any advice or guidance on how to help them enjoy autumn safely and comfortably.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information and should not replace professional medical advice.